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William Cowley Goulbourne Stone

1870 — 16 December 1892

William Cowley Goulbourne Stone (7‑77‑11)

"Willie" was making a name for himself when he was killed riding a horse home from Eagle Farm after morning trackwork. He was leading one horse whilst riding another. A common sight even today around Doomben. He crossed Hamilton Road and his horse shied.

Those who saw the funeral of "Willie" Stone claim it as the longest ever seen. It stretched the length of Queen St and was the equal of another famous jockey's funeral. All the jockeys of the time rode racehorses behind the hearse. They were in colours and silks and wore wreaths over their shoulders and travelled from Hamilton to Toowong along with many carriages.

The two champion horses from Stone's stable, King Olaf and Kildare were led directly without riders. These horses were the last the late jockey had ridden, the former at Eagle Farm and the latter at the "Creek".

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