John Melville
1834 — 8 March 1912
John Melville (9‑10‑14)
John Melville, the first overseer, devoted most of his life to Toowong Cemetery. He was born in Hertfordshire in 1834 and in 1848 came to Queensland with his parents under the guidance of Dr John Dunmore Lang aboard the Fortitude. In 1851 when the gold diggings broke out in Victoria, Melville went, to try his luck but returned to Brisbane at Christmas 1854 to visit his family. He then met Augustus Gregory and was asked to join his Great Northern exploration party for the purpose of exploring the Victoria and Albert Rivers, an invitation which he accepted.
After returning from the expedition Melville was engaged in survey work until 1871 when he acted as chainman to George Phillips, who had been engaged to survey part of the present cemetery at Toowong and in 1873 he was appointed overseer of the cemetery by the Trustees which position he held for 38 years. He was succeeded in his position by his son J. L. Melville.
The Melvilles lived in a house, later demolished, on part of the cemetery reserve where the bus depot is now. John died aged 77 on 8 March 1912.
The Late Mr. John Melville - The Queenslander, 6 Apr 1912
In loving memory
John Melville
Died 8th March 1912
Aged 77
Last survivor Gregory's
North Australian Expedition
and for 32 years
Overseer of this Cemetery