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John Bowden Fewings

ca. 1830 — 20 May 1910

John Bowden Fewings (9‑30‑22/23)

Fewings’ memoirs Arcadian Simplicity, written in 1892, described life in Toowong from the 1860s. He lived at Karslake, on Sherwood Road, near Dovercourt. He was headmaster of the Petrie Terrace School for nearly 30 years before moving to the headship of the Fortitude Valley School, which he held until his retirement in 1903.

John Bowden Fewings

J. B. Fewing. Sketch taken from T. W. H. Leavitt, Australian Representative Men, 1888 p. 465 - State Library of Queensland

Althea Fewings canoeing on Toowong Creek, Brisbane

Althea Fewings canoeing on Toowong Creek, Brisbane. Althea Theresa Karslake Fewings (later Mrs Frederick Munro Hull) canoeing on Toowong Creek at the bottom of *Karslake, residence of her parents Mr & Mrs J B Fewings. The Chinese market gardens are behind her, and today this area is in the grounds of Toowong College, (off Vera Street)- on the old basket ball courts. - State Library of Queensland *

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