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Brisbane General Cemetery Trustees

The Brisbane General Cemetery Trust commenced when the first Trustees were appointed on 8 October 1870. New Trustees were appointed as others retired or died. Successors were often members of the same family or community group.

The Brisbane General Cemetery Trust ended on 1 August 1930, when the Brisbane City Council took over management of all cemeteries within the municipality.


Given Names Last Name Trustee Start Date Trustee End Date Reason Chairman Start Date Chairman End Date Successor
John Petrie 1870-10-08 1892-12-08 Died 1870 1892-12-08 Andrew Lang Petrie
William Pettigrew 1870-10-08 1904-10-31 Resigned 1893 1904-10-31 James Stodart
John Hardgrave 1870-10-08 1906-11-08 Died 1904 1906-11-08 James William Wassell
Michael Quinlan 1870-10-08 1878-07-02 Died Thomas Bunton
George Edmondstone 1870-10-08 1883-02-23 Died Richard George Petty
William Perry 1870-10-08 1891-06-11 Died John George Cribb
Samuel Walker Griffith 1870-10-08 1893 Resigned Frederick Shaw
Nathaniel Lade 1870-10-08 1895-07-17 Died
Alexander Raff 1870-10-08 1904-04-11 Resigned John MacDonald
James Cowlishaw 1870-10-08 1929-07-13 Resigned
Coleman Davis 1873 After 1881-03-15,
Before 1881-06-28
Resigned George Myers
Thomas Bunton 1878-08-03 1907-10-12 Died John Aloysius Hayes
George Myers 1881-07-30 1920-05-18 Died 1906 1919-02-25 Edward Myer Myers
Richard George Petty 1883-04-20 1899-09-25 Died William Douglas Grimes
Andrew Lang Petrie 1893-01-20 1928-04-01 ¿ Died ¿ John George Petrie ¿
John George Cribb 1893-03-06 1905-06-10 Died
Frederick Shaw 1893-12-09 1897 Resigned William Thorne
Moses Ward 1895-09-25 1914-09-21 Died Edwin Wesley Howard Fowles
William Thorne 1897-07-01 1915-10-11 Died
William Douglas Grimes 1900-02-23 1930-08-01 Trust closed 1922 1930-08-01
John MacDonald 1904-07-16 Before 1928-04-07 Died Mure Hunter Robertson
James Stodart 1907-01-18 1922-06-20 Died 1919-02-25 1922-06-20 Robert Mackay Stodart
James William Wassell 1907-01-18 After 1924-04-25,
Before 1926-01-12
Died ¿
John Aloysius Hayes 1907-11-16 1930-08-01 Trust closed
Edwin Wesley Howard Fowles 1914-12-11 1930-08-01 Trust closed
Charles Henry Harley 1915-12-10 1930-08-01 Trust closed
George Frederick Scott 1905-08-12 1923-09-28 Died Walter Rutherford Scott ¿
Edward Myer Myers 1920-07-09 1926-04-01 ¿ Died ¿ Ernest Reginald Isaacs ¿
Robert Mackay Stodart 1922-07-08 1930-08-01 Trust closed
Walter Rutherford Scott 1923-11-17 1930-08-01 Trust closed
Ernest Reginald Isaacs After 1922,
Before 1927-07-25 ◇‡
1930-08-01 Trust closed
John George Petrie After 1924-04-25,
Before 1928-07-11 ◇✝
1930-08-01 Trust closed
John G. Warren After 1922,
Before 1928-07-11
1930-08-01 Trust closed
Mure Hunter Robertson 1928-04-07 1930-08-01 Trust closed

◇ indicates that the original appointment announcement has not been found.
¿ speculation
‡ Edward Myer Myers died 1 April 1926 so it is likely that Ernest Reginald Isaacs was appointed after that. Coleman Davis and his successors, George Myers, Edward Myers, and E. R. Isaacs were all part of the Brisbane Jewish community.
✝ Andrew Lang Petrie died 1 April 1928 so it is likely that John George Petrie, his son, was appointed after that.

Board of Trustees ca. 1920-1922

Brisbane General Cemetery Board of Trustees, ca. 1920 - 1922

Brisbane General Cemetery Board of Trustees, ca. 1920 - 1922
Top insets: James Cowlishaw, Andrew L. Petrie
Standing: W. D. Grimes, John McDonald, Charles H. Harley, E. Griffith Oxley, Edward M. Myers
Seated: James William Wassell, James Stodart, George Frederick Scott
Bottom insets: J. A. Hayes, E. W. H. Fowles

Board of Trustees 1924

Brisbane General Cemetery Board of Trustees, 1924

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Brisbane General Cemetery Trustees by Friends of Toowong Cemetery Association Inc., is licensed under CC BY 4.0. You must provide attribution if you reuse this work.

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  • John Melville, 1 January 1874 to 8 March 1912
  • T. H. Brown 22 April 1912 to 25 May 1916
  • J. L. Melville 20 June 1916 to 1 August 1930, successor to his father